Mini Experiment This Weekend

Everyone always says “I’m sorry; I can’t go out… Have work to do.”

Now, I’m not sure if it’s just me, but I think that my best and most productive moments are when I’m forced out of the house. Barring that, my day looks like this:

1000h: wake up
1100h: finish watching an hour of youtube
1130h: finish breakfast, go take a nap
1400: wake up and finish lunch
1400-1500: attempt to do work in a confused state
1500-1600: give up and collapse on the bed
1600-1800: watch more youtube
1800-2000: sleep

Yet, I was expecting the night before that I’d have the world’s most productive day. Perhaps go for a run in the morning, followed by enjoying a morning cuppa at 8am, and starting work promptly at 9.

So the idea is that I’m going to force myself to get work done around my schedule. By forcing myself up and about, and giving myself something that I have to do due social obligations, I will definitely be awake (and that’s probably 1/2 the battle won — I hate the groggy feeling of late mornings). Then at a cafe, already feeling that you’re out and you’re living the life, or simply adulting, you feel that you should (even if just for image’s sake) dedicate some time to squeezing in some work. By the time you reach home and collapse on the bed, you’re probably exhausted, but completely fulfilled!

Let’s see how that works by next week.

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